A comprehensive set of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment is in place that is dynamic, responds to new and emerging issues, challenges and opportunities and provides a firm basis for action by Governments and other stakeholders at all levels


A comprehensive set of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowermentViet Nam ratified the Convention in February 1982. The CEDAW programme has been the first programme within the UN System in Viet Nam to integrate human rights based approach, addressing capacity gaps among both duty bearers and right holders to promote and protect the human rights of women.

Viet Nam is now commencing the 2nd phase of CEDAW focuses on building capacity to concretely implement the Convention and strengthening the accountability mechanism for gender equality. UN Women in Viet Nam has lead the development of a Position Paper on Retirement Age. In addition, UN Women will work in collaboration with UNDP,t the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to contribute technical inputs for Gender Mainstreaming into the Law Making Assessment Tool from a CEDAW perspective.