World Hope International

Enhancing Responses to Violence against Women and Girls in Cambodia

Focus area: Strengthening Institutional Response, Improving Service Delivery

Research shows that roughly six in 10 women in Cambodia experience at least one form of violence before the age of 18. However, health, legal and welfare services to support victims of violence are inadequate and are not widely available or accessible. This project aims to improve service provision at all stages of a survivor’s recovery and increase coordination between service-providing agencies.

Photo: World Hope International

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of government social and welfare workers in the areas of basic counselling, case management and client referrals in order to better serve woman and girl survivors of domestic and sexual violence in three districts in Kampong Speu province. Strategies include: intensive training and networking opportunities for frontline responders, both individuals and institutional bodies; collaboration among service-providing agencies; and the creation of enhanced referral mechanisms. The aim is to ensure the work of the project is sustained at the institutional level through the training of trainers. Providing follow-up support for survivors is also a key component of the project.

Grant Amount: USD 400,718
Project duration: Three years | Jan 2016 – Dec 20185