UN Women Statement to the International Conference on Nepal's Reconstruction


STATEMENT:  UN Women joins the UN system and the international community in extending our solidarity with the Government and people of Nepal.

As the Post Disaster Needs Assessment notes, because of intersecting inequalities and gender roles, many women and girls were and continue to be affected differentially by the earthquake’s aftermath. Because of their limited access to assets and economic opportunities, limited educational attainment and the burden of care for families, many women, especially in remote areas cannot access resources and services for recovery.

Five days after the earthquake, women’s organizations met in Kathmandu and issued a Charter of Demands. Through this document, they remind us that women are not just victims but are agents of change. The Charter calls for women’s equal participation and leadership in shaping and implementing the recovery and reconstruction phases. Women’s organisations ask that women be provided with livelihoods and income generation based on direct consultation to ensure that activities are tailored to their needs, circumstances and capacities.

Mr. Minister of Finance, let me assure that UN Women is wholly committed to continue to work with the Ministry of Women, Children and Social welfare in support of the implementation of the PDNA recommendations. We are also working with women’s organisations to promote women’s economic engagement to build resilience in the long run.

Building back better goes beyond infrastructure and shelter. The recovery and reconstruction efforts offer an opportunity to advance a wider inclusion and benefit from development in such a way that accelerates the achievement of gender equality and social inclusion.