Launch of the 16 Days campaign in Bengaluru


Bengaluru, India — UN Women MCO in collaboration with the Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and the Old Cottonians' Association, launched the 16 Days campaign in Bengaluru on 19 November, building on an unprecedented response to a HeForShe campaign organised by the school two days prior to the event. This was the first time an all boys’ school in India took up the cause of gender equality and advocated for women's rights on such a large scale. Nearly 3000 students, parents, teachers, boys and girls, participated in a 16 Days cyclothon and walkathon to raise awareness of gender based violence.

Young HeForShe champions kickstarted the 16 Days of activism to end violence against women in Bengaluru! Nearly 3000 students, parents, teachers, boys and girls, participated in the cyclothon and walkathon flagged off from Bishop Cotton Boys' School. Photo: Bishop Cotton Boys’ School/Bengaluru

The students pledged their support to preventing violence by observing and evolving their own attitudes, values and behaviours towards women and girls, and ensuring that they did not personally engage in discrimination or violence. The Bishop of Bengaluru, a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Karnataka, the Additional Director General of Police, school principals and teachers also participated in the cyclothon and walkathon.

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16 Days campaign in Bengaluru

For more information:

Please contact:Rineeta Naik
UN Women
Tel: +91 9560597782