UN Women Pioneering for Gender-sensitive Infographics in Asia and the Pacific


Author: Yoomi Jun

Bangkok, Thailand — Infographics – a graphical representation of information – is one of the trending methods people choose to share information online globally. Many organizations including media, businesses, and UN agencies are publishing thousands of infographics on online channels every day. To encourage media for producing gender-responsive infographics, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific organized a three-day workshop for journalists and reporters from Thailand as well as communications professionals from partner organizations in the region.

Jaya Jiwatram, Digital and Interactive Media Specialist, UN Women. Photo: UN Women/Montira Narkvichien

The aim of the workshop was to delve into the process of infographics design and to understand gender-sensitive representation of women and sexual minorities. The participants actively engaged throughout the workshop yielding infographics projects ready for publishing on their communications platforms. “It’s rare I attend a technical event and pick up some new tips and room filled with interesting group of people together,” said Steve Malloch from Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers.

With the support of Korea International Cooperation Agency on technical assets, the workshop was facilitated by Jaya Jiwatram, Digital and Interactive Media Specialist of UN Women during 29 – 31 August, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Training on Gender-Sensitive Infographics for Thai Media and Gender Communications Professionals” in Bangkok, during 29 – 31 August, 2017