Women’s Political Participation at the Sub-national Level in Nepal - A Mapping Study

This paper outlines key issues of relevance to women’s political participation at the sub-national level in Nepal and refers to important contributions that document these aspects of women’s political participation.

The paper has been divided into five parts:
(i) The status of women’s political participation, with an emphasis on the situation at the local level
(ii) How civil society organisations work for women’s rights
(iii) Allocation of resources for women,
(iv) The interventions of selected development partners, and
(v) Tentative research questions.
It has been written to serve as a background for interviews and discussions in Nepal about a research agenda for women’s political participation and is based on a review of documentation, previous NIBR research in Nepal, and on interviews with selected development
partners undertaken in February 2012.

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Geographic coverage: Nepal
Resource type(s): Case studies
Publication year
Number of pages