Handbook for Multi-sectoral Cooperation in Prevention and Control of Domestic Violence (Pilot-Stage Material)


The Handbook for Multi-sectoral Cooperation in Prevention and Control of Domestic Violence is a product of a programme activity implemented by the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) and UN Women under the EVAW Trust Fund Joint Programme “Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in China through a Multi-sectoral Approach” implemented by UN Women, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNDP together with the ACWF, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA), Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Ministry of Health (MOH), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and China Anti-Domestic Violence Network (FanBao) in Hunan, Gansu and Sichuan provinces. The Handbook is to facilitate cooperation among the police, the health department, the justice administration department, the civil affairs department, women's organizations, and local level mass self-governing organizations against domestic violence.

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Geographic coverage: China
Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages