Partnering for Results in the Pacific


This publication describes the partnership between the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Pacific (UN Women) and Te Tūao Tāwāhi - Volunteer Service Abroad New Zealand (VSA) with the aim of working with Pacific Island countries and territories’ governments and civil society organisations in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women.

The three year partnership agreement provides the grounding for VSA to provide qualified, experienced, New Zealand volunteers, to work for UN Women in the Pacific Region. UN Women’s four programmatic areas are: Advancing Gender Justice in the Pacific; Ending Violence Against Women; Women’s Economic Empowerment; and Gender, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. The partnership with VSA will look at providing volunteer assignments for each of the programme areas where required. Mainly based in the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) and in the field offices in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, volunteer placements are predominantly offered for two years. VSA’s background in recruiting New Zealand volunteers in the field of international development for assignments in the Pacific is extensive with VSA facilitating over 3000 volunteer assignments in the last 50 years.

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Geographic coverage: Fiji
Resource type(s): Brochures
Publication year
Number of pages