Timor-Leste: Paving the Way for A Planet 50-50 by 2030


Timor-Leste had achieved significant progress in promoting gender equality since its independence in 2002. Building on progress made and challenges identified to achieving targets in Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals, these 20 actions can help the Timor-Leste reach key targets in the four strategic sectors by 2022.

Timor-Leste Loke Dalan ba Planeta 50-50 molok 2030

Timor-Leste atinji ona progresu diak hodi promove igualdade jéneru dezde indepedensia iha tinan 2002. Kontinua husi progresu no mos dezafiu hirak ne’ebé identifika ona hodi bele alkansa mos alvu ba Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratéjiku no mos Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel nian, asaun 20 hirak ne’e bele ajuda Timor-Leste atu bele atinji alvu sira iha setór estratéjiku haat (4) molok tinan 2022.


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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Timor-Leste
Resource type(s): Briefs
Publication year
Number of pages