12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women
When: 20-14 October 2013 | Where: Cook Islands.
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Event type:
Start date: 20 October 2013 | Start time: 10:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 24 October 2013 | End time: 10:00 UTC +00:00
Cook Islands
Event description
Celebrating our Progress, Shaping our World
The 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women and 5th Pacific Ministers for Women Meeting will focus on celebrating progress in gender equality in the Pacific Island region while discussing the future and where, as Pacific nations, we want to position gender equality in the post-2015 development agenda at national and regional level. The meetings will centre on reviewing national and regional implementation of the Revised Pacific Platform for Action (RPPA) on Advancement of Women and Gender Equality 2005-2015 with emphasis on selected critical areas of concern, with discussion on strategies for accelerating progress.