Asia-Pacific Civil Society Consultation for the 20-Year Review of Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and for the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
Event description
The Meeting will provide a forum for participants to:
- review achievements and challenges and identify priority actions in relation to implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action;
- review achievements, remaining obstacles and emerging challenges with respect to the implementation of the MDGs for women and girls;
- identify key recommendations for gender equality and the empowerment of women in the post-2015 development framework; and
- discuss the nature of civil society engagement in the Beijing+20 review process at the regional level, linking to national and global processes.
Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of the Meeting are:
- recommendations on areas of priority concern for the 20-year review of the Beijing Platform for Action, the implementation of the MDGs for women and girls, and the post-2015 development agenda.
- a civil society statement to be presented at the inter-governmental Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) (12 - 13 February 2014);
- a roadmap for the engagement of civil society stakeholders in the regional review of implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action; and
Format and Expected Substantive Contributions by Participants
The Civil Society Consultation will involve plenary and group work so as to fully engage participants and foster the sharing of knowledge, expertise and experiences on the achievements and challenges in realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women in Asia and the Pacific. Roundtable discussions will also be conducted to probe specific issues and guide deliberations and group work.
Participants are expected to lead and participate in interactive discussions, sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action and the MDGs, as well as contribute to the debate on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.