Shining the Olympic Spirit on Gender Equality: “International HeForShe Roller Derby Invitational” Advocacy Event

Beijing, China – Chinese popular TV star Zhu Yawen and Olympic speed skating champion Wang Meng are attending a special sports advocacy event to show their support for gender equality.
The advocacy event, which is organized by UN Women, Proya Cosmetic Company, Beijing Roller Derby, and seven other sponsors, is the International HeForShe Roller Derby Invitational. The event will attract a large audience of nearly 500 people to the Ditan Olympic Gymnasium in Beijing, China. The aim of this advocacy event is to raise awareness of UN Women’s global “HeForShe” campaign and China’s newly passed national law against family violence. This event will use the medium of sport to convey messages that women are strong, fast, agile, and should never be victimized. The featured sport is roller derby, a sport closely linked to women’s empowerment.
Many honored guests will attend the event, including Mme. Xue Li, Deputy Director of Sports and Culture Development Center of the State Sports Administration; Anna-Karin, Deputy Regional Director of UN Women Asia-Pacific; and Julie Broussard, UN Women China Programme Manager. Mr. Yu Jia, distinguished CCTV5 host, will moderate the event. Ms. Deng Yaping, the world famous Olympic Table Tennis champion, will be as a special VIP Guest.
To encourage more people around the world to support gender equality, UN Women has launched the global HeForShe campaign in September 2014. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage all people as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The campaign is encouraging people to speak out and take actions against inequalities faced by women and girls. Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, but it is also a human rights issue that affects everyone – women and girls, men and boys.
Today’s event will feature a scrimmage between two “HeForShe” teams composed of a mix of roller derby players from Beijing, Bangkok, the UK, and Japan. Coaches and referees were from the USA and Canada. This event is marking the first time that a roller derby bout has ever been played in China.
In support of this advocacy event, Ms. Xue Li who will represent the State Sports Administration, says: “Advocacy efforts could and should also focus on sports featuring women. Men need to see women as strong athletes, women as worthy of attention, and women’s sports as equal to men’s sports.”
Ms. Anna-Karin Jatfors, Deputy Regional Director of UN Women, states: “At the heart of HeForShe is the understanding that achieving gender equality in our lifetimes is possible, but only if we engage men as partners for women’s rights, and acknowledge the ways in which they also benefit from this equality. Being a HeForShe means to join a struggle that for gender equality that for too long was seen as the business of women alone, as equal partners in helping to realize a common vision that will benefit not just women but all of humanity.”
Famous and well-known film and TV star Zhu Yawen as a HeForShe advocate says: “Not only as a celebrity, but also as a father, husband and man who lives in society, I hope we can create a gender-equal world for our future generation. It is a social responsibility for each man. We need to love and respect women and support them to be strong and independent.”
Pledging as a HeForShe advocate, Wang Meng, a representative of Chinese female athlete and a four-time Winter Olympic Gold Champion, says: “I will try my best to advocate gender equality so that women will have the equal rights with man not only in the sports field but also in other areas such as political participation and equal employment.”
Proya’s representative emphasizes: “Businesses win when they give women equal opportunities for employment. Society wins when it gives women equal opportunities for everything.”
Moderator Yu Jia wrapped it all up at the end as a HeForShe advocate when he observed: “The message from today is clear. The medium of sports is ideal for reaching men and boys with the HeForShe and women’s rights messages. Men are part of the problem, so they have to be part of the solution. Without gender equality, there will be no solution to the world’s problems.”
Proya Cosmetics Company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Western Academy of Beijing, Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, Fella’s Catering Management Co., Ltd, Doko Healthy Food, Catering & Management Co., and Guangzhou Nice Court Flooring Co., Ltd are supporters of the event.
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Please contact: Jing Xu
UN Women China,
Tel: +86 10 8532 0934, 189 1155 2608
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Qi Cathy Guo
UN Women China,
Tel: +86 10 8532 5925, 1350 139 4798
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About UN Women
UN Women is the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, the organization was established in 2010 to accelerate progress on women’s rights worldwide. UN Women’s efforts are based on the fundamental belief that every woman has the right to live a life free from violence, poverty, and discrimination, and that gender equality is a prerequisite to achieving global development.About Beijing Roller Derby
Formed in 2013, Beijing Roller Derby is one of three roller derby leagues in China. BRD was founded by UK transplant Jay Latarche and Texan Hooten Annie, who met online through a shared love of the sport. In the years since founding BRD, the league trained up a team of 20 -- mostly beginning-level -- skaters with bi-weekly training sessions and practice matches. Beijing Roller Derby wants to have a good time, play roller derby, and help promote the sport throughout China.
Established in 2003, Proya is a Chinese leading Cosmetics research and manufacturer that applying high bio-technology to manufacture skin-care products. So far the company has successfully created 6 brands including PROYA, UZERO, ANYA, YOYA, CATS & ROSES and O’LAXSN with over 1000 products, able to satisfy the demands of consumers of different age and with different preferences; established nationwide distribution network across more than 30 cities, covering department stores, cosmetic boutiques, large supermarket chains and electronic business platforms. The company has successfully realized the multi-brand, multi-category, multi-channel and multi-model operation and development mechanism, achieving a leading position in the Chinese beauty market.
About Nice Court
Guangzhou Nice Court flooring Co. Ltd. is a leading global manufacturer of synthetic materials for sports and recreation flooring in China, established in 2004. They have set clear corporate goals, i.e. be the most professional provider of sports and recreation flooring, along with providing their customers with advanced technologies and products. They have been chosen as the designated sports flooring products by the organizers of professional sporting events both at home and abroad and claim to be Asia's largest manufacturer of Suspended Modular Sports Floor.
The Women’s Flat Track Derby Association is the international governing body for the sport of women’s flat track roller derby and a membership organization for leagues to collaborate and network. The WFTDA sets standards for rules, seasons, and safety, and determines guidelines for the national and international athletic competitions of member leagues. There are currently 369 WFTDA member leagues and 76 leagues in the WFTDA Apprentice program.
About PwC
PricewaterhouseCoopers (known as PwC) is a multinational professional services network headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the largest professional services firm in the world, and is one of the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY and KPMG. As of 2015, PwC is the 6th-largest privately owned organization in the United States. PwC is a network of firms in 157 countries, 756 locations, with more than 208,100 people. The company's global revenues were $35.4 billion in FY 2015, of which $15.2 billion was generated by its Assurance practice, $8.9 billion by its Tax practice and $11.3 billion by its Advisory practice.
About WAB
Western Academy of Beijing (WAB), founded in 1994, is private non-enterprise not-for-profit organization belonging to the WAB Foundation and overseen by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees, incorporated in Beijing, China. It is schooling 1400 students from various countries from elementary school to high school level. WAB demonstrates its moral commitment through its philanthropic involvement and strong community ties. They run initiatives, such as the construction of an environmental center to teach students about eco-friendly environmental technologies.
About Fella’s
Fella’s Catering Management Co. is a family-style sports restaurant based in the Beigao community of Beijing that offers food catering for a variety of clients and occasions, including community events, international schools, private events, BBQs, etc. The company is a supporter of Sports Beijing, the Beijing Softball League, the Beijing Baseball League, the Beijing Ice Hockey League, and the Beijing Roller Derby League. They also provide direct sponsorship to the Western All Stars (baseball team), the Beijing Roller Derby, and all the teams in the Beijing International Ice Hockey League.
About Doko
Doko is a subsidiary under parent company Fella’s Food & Management LLC, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in Beijing. A Beijing-based restaurant providing healthy meals, Doko aims at offering people quick, nutritious and delicious dining options and promotes a healthy diet. Their choices of meat, tofu and sauces are based on healthy principles. Besides that, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, all beverages are non-alcoholic.

扬奥运精神 促性别平等
“他为她” 轮滑德比国际邀请赛 倡导活动
2016年5月3日, 北京 — 中国人气影视明星朱亚文和奥运短道速滑冠军王濛参与了一个特别的倡导活动,表达他们对性别平等的支持。
许多贵宾将亲临到场支持,包括国家体育总局体育文化发展中心副主任薛立、联合国妇女署亚太地区部副执行主任安娜科琳洁特夫斯(Anna-Karin Jatfors)和联合国妇女署中国国别主任汤竹丽(Julia Broussard)。中央电视台第5频道著名主持人于嘉先生将主持此次活动,世界著名乒乓球冠军邓亚萍女士将作为特别嘉宾出席活动。
联合国妇女署亚太地区部副执行主任安娜科琳洁特夫斯(Anna-Karin Jatfors)女士说:“‘他为她’运动的核心是坚信——在我们有生之年,达到性别平等是有可能的——但我们一定要号召男性同胞一起为此努力才能成功。男性同胞必须认识到,性别平等对他们同样有好处。支持‘他为她’运动代表着参与到倡导性别平等的事业中。这份事业在过去的很长时间里只被看做是女性的事,实际上,男性在这项事业里应该被视为同等重要的合作伙伴,而且最关键的是,我们应该达成这样一种共识——性别平等不仅对女人有益,它对全人类有益。”
要加入全球“他为她”倡议,承诺进行改变,请登录www.heforshe.org进入“他为她”主页。点击“我同意”加入倡议,支持性别平等。欲知更多,请查看 或
许晶 联合国妇女署中国办事处
电话:+86 10 8532 6687, 189 1155 2608
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郭琪 联合国妇女署中国办事处
电话:+86 10 8532 5925, 1350 139 4798
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北京轮滑德比运动队(BRD)由Jay Latarche和Hooten Annie在2013年建立,是中国三个轮滑德比运动队之一。在BRD建立后的几年,运动队的人数上升到20人以上,并保持常规训练和比赛演练。北京轮滑运动队希望训练出一个强大的队伍,并且持续在中国本土宣传轮滑德比运动。
广州耐氏柯特地板有限公司是一家全球化体育运动与休闲地面合成材料生产商,致力运动与休闲地面合成材料的研究与开发。公司自2004年成立以来,不断引进国外的先进技术和产品,秉承“致力强身健体、创造快乐生活” 的企业宗旨,以成为最专业的运动与休闲场地材料供应商并为用户提供先进的技术和产品作为奋斗目标。他们是多场国内外专业体育比赛的指定供应商,并以亚洲最大的悬浮式拼装运动地板生产商的身份为荣。
“哥们儿”餐饮管理有限公司是一个家庭型的运动餐厅,坐落于北京的北皋社区。“哥们儿”为多种类型的客户和活动提供餐饮服务,包括社区活动、国际学校活动、私人活动、烧烤聚会等。“哥们儿”还是北京体育俱乐部、北京垒球联盟、北京轮滑德比运动队的支持者,同时也是Western All Stars棒球队、北京国际冰球联盟、北京轮滑德比运动队的直接赞助商。
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