Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in the Pacific

From Policy to Action: Ending Violence against Women and Girls in the Pacific isUN Women’s flagship programme aims to help womenand girls live a life free from violence and is designed around international andPacific evidence that promotes a holistic approach.

EVAW Brief

The programme supports Pacific-led activities to improve the policy environmenton ending violence against women and girls as well as to meet the immediateneeds, at a community level, of women who are experiencing violence. Itsupports Pacific organisations in delivering services that meet survivors’ needs,as well as taking steps to prevent violence from occurring in the first place.UN Women in the Pacific has been actively working on this issue for the pastseven years and the regional programme builds on the organisation’s extensiveexperience. The groundwork has been laid and UN Women is consolidatingand expanding this work across the region to meet the growing demand fromcountries for technical assistance.

Ultimately UN Women’s programme is about empowering women and mento break the cycle of violence, while also strengthening capacity among dutybearers to manage the associated social and economic costs. Violence againstwomen and girls is a complex issue that requires a long-term and sustainableapproach, so the programme offers a step-by-step approach tailored to individualcountries and founded on supporting capacity development.

UN Women takes every opportunity to support strengthening evidence-basedapproaches to ending violence against women and girls.

The organisation provides PICTs with technical assistance in legislation andpolicy development, as well as the critical needs for implementing such policies.This includes supporting research into the costs of violence against womenand implementing policies to address it, strengthening the monitoring of policyimplementation, and emphasising multi-disciplinary approaches to violence thatinvolve health, policing, social welfare, education and justice actors.