Women, Peace and Security (WPS) - YES! Learning Pack

The WPS-YES! Learning Pack is a resource for use by trainers and facilitators seeking to raise awareness and strengthen implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda based on the context in Timor-Leste. The pack features a compilation of training modules developed collaboratively over a one year period by over 15 national and international NGOs, UN agencies and other development partners working on women, Peace and Security issues in Timor-Leste. The Learning Pack can be used by facilitators with varying levels of training experience and is divided into a Facilitator’s Guide and four modules. The first module is intended to provide a foundational understanding of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, with a focus on the development of a National Action Plan based on UN SCR 1325 for Timor-Leste. Modules 2, 3, and 4 provide deeper training into the four pillars commonly identified with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Participation (Module 2); Protection & Prevention (Module 3), and Peacebuilding (Module 4). The Pack includes detailed guidance for facilitator’s as well as supplementary handouts, videos and links to other relevant resource materials.