Gendered Impact and Implications of COVID-19 in Pakistan

COVID-19, the novel Corona Virus Disease that was first detected in China in November 2019, has now spread to 206 countries or regions. As of April 5, 2020, 1,203,485 cases have been reported worldwide with 64,784 confirmed fatalities.
There is an unequivocal evidence that COVID-19 is not just a global public health emergency but is also leading the world to a major global, economic downturn, with potentially strong adverse impacts on the livelihoods of vulnerable groups. In a developing country like Pakistan with already very low indicators of socio-economic development, an epidemic is likely to further compound pre-existing gender inequalities.
This policy brief provides evidence on existing multidimensional gender inequalities, identifies specific vulnerabilities of women and girls to COVID-19 transmission and impact, and provides broad policy recommendations to mitigate immediate risks for women and girls and prevent exacerbation of the existing gender gaps.