Web Portals and Online Resources


Knowledge Gateway for Women’s Economic Empowerment
EmpowerWomen.org — is an open global community that promotes collaboration, learning and innovation with the objective of advancing women’s economic empowerment. It connects women and men in more than 190 economies with development partners from the private sector, civil society, governments and international organizations. EmpowerWomen.org enables women and men to Explore, Connect, Discuss and Learn. visit the Knowledge Gateway » 

iKNOW Politics
Co-sponsored by UN Women, the International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics is an extensive online workspace and advocacy platform where everyone from elected officials to students can access resources, use tools, participate in forums and get expert advice on women in political life. visit the portal »

Gender & HIV/AIDS Web Portal
GenderandAIDS.org aims to promote understanding, knowledge sharing and action on HIV and AIDS as a gender and human rights issue. This comprehensive web portal offers up-to-date information on the epidemic from a gender perspective, a full range of resources, personal stories and commentaries, and multimedia advocacy tools. visit the portal »

The Gender Equality Evaluation Portal
The Gender Equality Evaluation Portal makes available more than 200 evaluations on what works to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Gender Equality Evaluation Portal aims to establish a widely accessible database of evaluations that will serve as the tools to strengthen and promote the exchange of findings, conclusions and recommendations gleaned from evaluations with stakeholders and potential users, in order to have a wider impact on learning and to contribute to improved policy design and programming in the area of gender equality. The development of this resource is in response to UN Women’s mandate to lead and coordinate the overall efforts of the UN system to support the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. It serves as a critical step to advance transparency and mutual accountability for development effectiveness through the establishment of strengthened evidence and data for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
visit the portal »

Gender-Responsive Budgeting
The Gender-Responsive Budgeting web portal aims to facilitate the exchange of information between academics, practitioners, researchers and activists working on gender budget initiatives. It features articles, research papers and training tools, and offers resources in Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish. visit the portal »

Presupuesto y Género en América Latina y el Caribe
This Web portal dedicated to tracking gender-responsive budgeting in Latin America has data on projects and experts in the region, summaries of the most common gender budget analysis methodologies and a comprehensive bibliography of Spanish-language documents on the subject. visit the portal »

Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women
UN Women’s Say NO initiative is a global platform for advocacy and action, engaging participants from all walks of life to prevent and address violence against women and girls. It contributes towards the objectives of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s campaign, UNiTE to End Violence against Women, through social mobilization. visit the website »

UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict (UN Action)
UN Action unites the work of 13 UN entities with the goal of ending sexual violence in conflict. It is a concerted effort by the UN system to improve coordination and accountability, amplify programming and advocacy, and support national efforts to prevent sexual violence and respond effectively to the needs of survivors. visit the website »

Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence against Women and Girls
A one-stop online centre that encourages and supports evidence-based programming to more efficiently and effectively design, implement, monitor and evaluate initiatives to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. The website offers leading tools and evidence on what works, drawing on expert recommendations, policy and programme evaluations and assessments, and practitioners’ experiences from around the world. visit the website »

WomenWatch is a central gateway to information and resources on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women throughout the UN system. The website also provides information on the outcomes of, as well as efforts to incorporate gender perspectives into follow-up to global conferences. visit the website »