The Gender Profile for the Rohingya Refugee Crisis Response in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

The Gender Profile for the Rohingya Refugee Crisis Response in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, was prepared by the Inter-sector Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (GiHA WG) in Cox’s Bazar, co-led by UN Women and UNHCR with technical support from inter-agency Gender Capacity Adviser (GENCAP). The GiHA WG is comprised of sector gender focal points and gender advisers engaged in the response from across NGOs, INGOs, Red Cross/Red Crescent Society, and the UN. The purpose of the gender profile is to present a summary context overview gender analysis as well as key gender-related information on key needs, issues, gaps, response actions taken and recommended further actions within all sectors, sub-sectors, inter-sector working groups and cross-cutting coordination to ensure gender-responsive humanitarian actions in this crisis response. The profile was endorsed by the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) in Cox’s Bazar on 3 December 2017 and is intended to guide the integration of gender equality and gender mainstreaming across the humanitarian programme cycle of the ISCG.
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