A Budgeting for an Inclusive Development in Baucau


Author: Helio Miguel

English | Tetun

Baucau, Timor-Leste — As part of Together for Equality project funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), UN Women and To’os ba Moris diak/TOMAK (Farming for Prosperity Project is working with the Baucau Municipal Authority to ensure that funds are properly allocated to make the central market and other public places in Baucau Municipality safer for women and girls.

Representatives of Baucau Municipal Authority, the State Secretary for Equality and Inclusion, UN Women and TOMAK on 29 April 2022 inspect the new Baucau Central Market being built in Baucau city in Timor-Leste. Photo: UN Women/Helio Miguel
Representatives of Baucau Municipal Authority, the State Secretary for Equality and Inclusion, UN Women and TOMAK on 29 April 2022 inspect the new Baucau Central Market being built in Baucau city in Timor-Leste. Photo: UN Women/Helio Miguel

Through the Safe Baucau and Safe Markets Initiative, UN Women and TOMAK have been giving the municipal authority technical advice on preparing a draft budget for 2023. With help from the Secretary State for Equality and Inclusion, the training have been conducted with municipal officials on doing gender-responsive budgeting, including exercises on analyzing the budget and integrating specific gender-responsive items into it.

Gender-responsive budgeting seeks to ensure that the planning, allocating, executing, and auditing of resources will equally meet the diverse needs of women and men of all ages and help advance gender equality and social inclusion, including for people with disabilities and LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people.

The Safe Baucau and Safe Markets Initiative, which runs until 2024, is part of UN Women’s Together for Equality project, the intervention is focusing on inclusive development and making city safe, therefore enhancing budgeting related to gender-based violence, women’s economic empowerment, and women’s safety are prioritized. For the development of a new Central Market, the goal is to ensure that the gender responsive budgeted infrastructure includes such things as separate toilets, night-time lighting, and accessibility for women and people with disabilities.

Vendor stalls in the new Baucau Central Market under construction in Baucau city, Timor-Leste, are seen in this photo taken on 29 April 2022. Photo: UN Women/Helio Miguel
Vendor stalls in the new Baucau Central Market under construction in Baucau city, Timor-Leste, are seen in this photo taken on 29 April 2022. Photo: UN Women/Helio Miguel

“This joint effort is to end violence against women by building a safe place for all.” said Nuntana Tangwinit, Together for Equality’s Programme Specialist.

Regina de Souza, the head of the Department of Civil Society Relationship Support in the Ministry of Social and Solidarity said the Government budget allocation for preventing violence against women is limited. Regina, who has been working with shelters for women in Baucau, said there were cases of sexual abuse within households that lacked separate facilities for men and women.

UN Women and TOMAK helped to ensure that women’s safety needs and concerns were taken into account in the building of the new Baucau Central Market, and that women participated in the decision-making on the project.

The new Central Market is now under construction and will open in 2023 with space for about 980 vendors. There are no lights on the street leading to the existing market and little transportation is available, exposing women and girls to the risk of sexual violence while walking to the market or at night.

Said Simão Pinheiro, the Secretary of Baucau Municipal Authority: “Investing in gender-sensitive infrastructures in public spaces like marketplaces will widen opportunities for women to have access and be active in contributing to economic development. For the review of budget this year, let’s ensure a gender-sensitive budget for an inclusive development (in) which women’s participation is highly required. Building gender-sensitive infrastructure is a must for the safety of women.”

Orsamentu ba Dezenvolvimentu Ida Ne’ebé Inkluzivu iha Baucau

Autor: Helio Miguel

English | Tetun

Baucau, Timor-Leste — UN Women no To’os ba Moris diak/TOMAK (To’os ba Prosperidade), projeitu ida ne’ebé fundu husi Governu Australia servisu hamutuk ho Autoridade Munisipio Baucau atu asegura katak fundu sira aloka ho proprio ba harí merkadu sentral no espasu públiku sira iha parte leste sai seguru liu tan ba feto no labarik feto sira.

Reprezentante Administrador Munisipiu Baucau, Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun, UN Women no TOMAK iha 29 Abril 2022 halo inspesaun ba merkadu central foun Baucau ne’ebé harí iha Baucau Vila iha Timor-Leste. Foto: UN Women/Helio Miguel
Reprezentante Administrador Munisipiu Baucau, Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun, UN Women no TOMAK iha 29 Abril 2022 halo inspesaun ba merkadu central foun Baucau ne’ebé harí iha Baucau Vila iha Timor-Leste. Foto: UN Women/Helio Miguel

Liuhusi UN Women nia Inisiativa Baucau Seguru no Merkadu Seguru, oferese ona akonsellamentu tekniku ba prepara esbosu orsamentu ida ba 2023. Ho suporta husi Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun (SEII), UN Women no TOMAK kapasita ona ofisial munisipal kona ba implementasaun orsamentu sensivel ba jéneru,inklui exercisiu ba análiza orsamentu no integra pontu espesifiku sira ne’ebé responsivu ba jéneru iha iha orsamentu ne’e. Orsamentu sensivel ba jéneru buka atu asegura katak planeamentu, alokasaun, ezekusaun no auditoria husi rekursu sei hatan ba nesesidade oi-oin husi feto no mane idade hotu-hotu ho hanesan no ajuda avansa igualdade jéneru no inkluzaun sosial, inklui ba ema ho defisiensia no komunidade LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) sira.

Inisiativa Baucau Seguru no Merkadu Seguru ne’ebé sei implementa to’o 2021, hanesan parte ida husi UN Women nia projeitu Hamutuk ba Igualdade ne’ebé fundu husi Agensia Kooperasaun Internasional Korea (KOICA).

UN Women foka ba orsamentu relasiona ho violensia bazeia ba jéneru, empoderamentu ekonomia feto, no feto nia seguransa. Ba iha dezenvolvimentu merkadu nian, nia objetivu mak atu asegura katak orsamentu ne’ebé tau ba infrastrutura inklui mos detallu sira hanesan sentina, ahi lakan iha kalan, no asesibilidade ba feto no ema ho defisiensia sira.

Uma ba vendedor sira iha merkadu sentral foun Baucau ne’ebé sei iha hela konstrusaun iha Baucau Vila, Timor-Leste. Fotografia hasai iha 29 Abril 2022. Foto: UN Women/Helio Miguel
Uma ba vendedor sira iha merkadu sentral foun Baucau ne’ebé sei iha hela konstrusaun iha Baucau Vila, Timor-Leste. Fotografia hasai iha 29 Abril 2022. Foto: UN Women/Helio Miguel

“Esforsu konjuntu ne’e mak atu hapara violénsia hasoru feto sira liuhusi harí fatin ida ne’ebé seguru ba ema hotu,” hatete Nuntana Tangwinit, espesialista ba programa Hamutuk ba Igualdade.

Regina de Souza, xefe departementu ba asuntu sosiadade sivil iha Ministerio Solidaridade Sosial hatete katak alokasaun orsamentu governu nian ba prevensaun violénsia hasoru feto limitadu tebes. Regina ne’ebé mak servisu kleur ona ho uma mahon ba feto sira iha Baucau hatete iha kazu abuzu seksual barak akontese iha familia ida ne’ebé ema barak hela hamutuk iha uma laran tamba deit laiha odamatan no fasilidade seluk ne’ebé haketak feto no mane sira.

UN Women no TOMAK ajuda atu asegura katak feto sira nia seguransa no prekupasaun tau iha konsiderasaun wainhira harí merkadu sentral foun Baucau, no katak partisipa mos feto ba foti desizaun iha projeitu ne’e.

Merkadu foun ne’e agora iha hela konstrusaun no sei loke iha 2023 ho espasu ba vendedor nain 980. Iha dalan ba merkadu foun ne’e laiha ahi iha estrada ibun no transporte públiku mos menus, fator hirak ne’e sei tau feto no labarik feto sira ba iha risku violénsia seksual wainhira lao ba merkadu ou iha tempu kalan.

Hatete Simão Pinheiro, sekretaria Autoridade Munisipiu Baucau: “Investe iha infrastrutura sensivel ba jéneru iha espasu públiku hanesan iha merkadu laran sei haluan oportunidade barak ba feto sira atu iha asesu ba no sai ativu hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia. Ba revizaun orsamentu tinan ida ne’e nian, mai ita asegura orsamentu sensivel ba jéneru ba iha dezenvolvimentu ida inkluzivu iha ne’ebé feto sira nia partisipasaun presija tebes. Harí infrastrutura ida ne’ebé sensivel ba jéneru ne’e obrigasaun ida ba feto sira nia seguransa.”