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At just 23 years old, Erum founded the Stars Women Sports Academy (SWSA), Jacobabad's first women's sports club. “It became my dream to establish a hockey academy so that girls who wanted to play would not find themselves in situations like I faced,” Erum shared.
It was very novel for women and young girls in Gilgit-Baltistan to engage in sports (let alone ice hockey!) and Saliha encountered skepticism and disbelief from her family and conservative community. "Girls don't play sports," was the feedback at every turn. However, Saliha was determined to challenge these notions.
“Transforming a small business into a million-dollar enterprise is challenging but achievable with determination,” says Tran Thi Vui, a female entrepreneur running a 27-year-old melaleuca essential oil business in Hue, Viet Nam.
How do we define a world that is just and equal? For a world to be equal, everyone must have the opportunity to stand up and speak for themselves. They must be given the ability to determine a life that is theirs.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) in Papua New Guinea has reached an important milestone with the launch of two transformative policies, the Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment, Peace, and Security Policy 2023-2027 and the Civil Society Partnership Policy 2023-2027.
UN Women in Papua New Guinea has conducted a three-day training on women’s political leadership and campaign strategies for 28 women leaders of the Southern Region in preparation for the upcoming Level Government (LLG) elections.
The new recruits, ages 16 – 32 bring more diversity, inclusivity, and direction to the current cohort, currently representing 23 countries in our region.
14 climate-tech startups from across Asia met to pitch their ideas to potential investors at the third edition of the LowCarbon.Earth Accelerator Program Finale 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, held in May 2024.
This rich tapestry shapes how people behave within society, playing a significant role in its functioning. However, the principle of equality is not commonly practiced, largely due to entrenched cultural norms.
We have all seen how humanitarian funds for the Rohingya Response are shrinking due to competing global crises. Therefore, we must make smarter use of the limited funds at our disposal.
The most significant challenge is endurance. Despite working on this issue since 1984, we still encounter people who disrespect women and girls, particularly when discussing issues of violence against them.
Beyond her achievements in the pool, Lili-Fox is also a swim coach and lifeguard, giving back to the community that has supported her. Her involvement with Parafed Canterbury’s afterschool programme allows her to inspire and mentor young athletes, embodying the spirit of paying it forward.
In Southeast Asia, climate change and security issues are deeply interwoven with gender dynamics. The region is particularly susceptible to climate change, with millions living in low-lying coastal areas prone to flooding and extreme weather events.
Cricket remained my passion. When women's cricket finally began in Dhaka in 2007, I seized the opportunity. I joined the national team after finishing my HSC exams, despite the skepticism and questions from relatives and neighbors.
Numerous feminist movements, from the first wave's focus on suffrage to the intersectional feminism of today, have been instrumental in achieving the progress we've made toward equal rights for all. As a young Filipino woman
Bangkok, Thailand – Government officials from seven ASEAN Member States, along with Timor-Leste, are taking part in a training on how to translate ASEAN’s women and peace goals into national policies.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia – UN Women, in partnership with Cambodia’s National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) and Ministry of Women’s Affairs, organized the first national multi-stakeholder dialogue discussing how the newly launched Sendai Gender Action Plan (GAP) can be adapted in Cambodia.
By the time the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was adopted, it was clear that women’s voices were essential due to the growing recognition that half the world's population did not have equal life chances. There was substantial evidence, but little government response.
My understanding of "equality" is ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their identities namely age, gender, race, class, sexual orientation, disability status, ethnicity, religion, geographical location, and other different identities
Rachel Anne Herrera is a Commissioner at the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines. During UN Women’s Regional Training on Accelerating Climate Action and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation in Asia and the Pacific...