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1 - 20 of 3264 Results
On February 5-6, senior personnel and officers from the Thai Tourist Police, totaling 21 participants from across the country, convened at the British Embassy in Bangkok for a two-day workshop on strengthening their response to sexual assault cases.
Nepal is one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries, with more than 80 per cent of the population at risk. Women in particular experience barriers to resilience and recovery from disasters due to limited resources, restricted mobility, and economic dependence.
The Conflict Victim Women National Network (CVWN) is a national organization dedicated to advocating for justice, empowerment, and equality for women and children affected by Nepal’s armed conflict which ended in 2006 through a comprehensive peace agreement (CPA).
To address growing online security concerns, especially those faced by women leaders and women Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UN Women, in partnership with the Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, and with the support of Australia’s Cyber and Critical Technology Cooperation Program, has organized a two-day capacity-building workshop in Honiara.
Speech by Maria Holtsberg, Deputy Regional Director, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific on the review of progress and challenges with regard to implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in Asia and the Pacific
On this International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), we stand united with purpose and urgency to accelerate efforts, forge powerful alliances, and drive bold action to end this grave violation of human rights.
Canberra – This morning, Australia’s political leaders joined UN Women Australia at the annual International Women’s Day (IWD) Parliamentary Breakfast at Parliament House to officially launch International Women’s Month. Co-hosted by the Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, and the Hon. Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition, the event brought together over 350 guests to reflect on progress and renew commitments to achieving gender equality.
The second Regional Review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Asia and the Pacific opened today with a call for migration policies that prioritize the needs and rights of migrants while ensuring broad collaboration across governments, communities and key stakeholders.
The UN system in Bangladesh, under the leadership of the UN Women Country Office, is launching this call for applications for civil society organization representatives seeking partial sponsorship to participate in the upcoming sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 10 to 21 March 2025.
The Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) has convened a pivotal workshop on women, peace and security in Honiara, in partnership with UN Women.
To enhance understanding of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Cambodia and conduct an in-depth analysis to inform the development of the country’s first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAP WPS).
UN Women Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Christine Arab, concluded a four-day visit to Papua New Guinea (PNG), reaffirming the organization’s commitment to supporting the Government of PNG’s leadership in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The Women Ambassadors Group and women leaders of the United Nations are holding the 5th edition of the ‘Ambassador for a Day’ competition from December 2024 until its culmination on International Women’s Day 2025.
In 2025, the global community will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The Beijing Declaration is a global policy framework and blueprint for realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls everywhere.
On 8 March 2025, join us to celebrate International Women’s Day under the theme, “For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”
#ForAllWomenandGirls is a rallying call for action on the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Pritha Chatterjee from Breakthrough, India, and talks about the importance of supporting feminist organizations and working with young people to change social norms.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Secretariat of State for Equality, and UN Women jointly hosted the "Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum". The event convened current and emerging women leaders from diverse sectors, providing a platform to discuss, inspire, and amplify the voices of women in leadership. The forum featured a dynamic dialogue among women leaders that fostered connections and collaborations.
[Press release] The European Union and UN Women have signed a partnership agreement at the EU office in Dhaka to prevent sexual and gender-based violence in public spaces, workplaces and tertiary educational institutions in Bangladesh.
Following last week’s announcement of the new partnership between UN Environment Programme and Nexus for Development that is aimed at increasing funding to women-led climate enterprises in Asia, Pioneer Facility today announces a new loan agreement that will directly benefit women in Southeast Asia.
The Cambodian youth movement Breakthrough and UN Women Cambodia hosted an event in Siem Reap City, gathering participants from various groups, including young women, men, LGBTQIA+ individuals, youth groups, civil society organisations, and community leaders.
1 - 20 of 3264 Results