UN Women in Action
- Under the project EMPOWERMENT AND POSITIVE WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP- UN Women supported the HIV positive community initiative “Diamonds-Stories of Women from the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV- A publication and a documentary, successfully launched at the 9ICAAP. The partner in this project is WAPN+ (Women from the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV).
- UN Women implemented the 1st phase of the ongoing project “HIV in Intimate/partner transmission Relationships. This is an evolving project among partners from UN Agencies & the communities where UN Women supported assessments of policies and programs aimed at the prevention of HIV in intimate partner relationships in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Thailand.
- In Cambodia, UN Women initiated the Global Programme “Supporting Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS in 2009, to ensure that gender equality and human rights perspectives are integrated into the national HIV/AIDS framework. The overall objective of this 3 year programme is to ensure that gender equality and human rights are integrated into key policies, programmes, and actions to address HIV/AIDS at the national level.
- UN Women ‘s support to the Cambodia Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS continues in helping bring women’s voices into the national and community responses to HIV/AIDS in Cambodia.
- UN Women is also implementing the ongoing operational research “Addressing Feminization of AIDS: Gender Power Dynamics within Marriages and Sero-discordant couples - Their implication for Plan of Action for Thailand. UN Women commissioned the study “Feminization of AIDS: Spousal / partner transmission and sero-discordant Relationships in Thailand which was presented in the UN Women-UNAIDS supported Symposium the “Women, Gender and HIV/AIDS at the 12th National AIDS Conference in Thailand on 27-29 May 2009.
- In 2010 UN Women will partner with UNAIDS on an activity of the Joint UN Programme on HIV in Viet Nam to provide support to country-level action on gender and HIV/AIDS, working with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA).
- In China, UN Women supports HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming training throughout the Chinese Party School system. Training has enhanced government officials’ understanding of the links between gender and HIV/ AIDS and promotes the incorporation of gender mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS prevention in the party schools’ curriculum. (Funded by DFID and PAF 3/UNAIDS).
- UN Women also conducted gender awareness and HIV/AIDS training for All China Women’s Federation (ACWF) staff at the provincial level. Training has increased their understanding of the links between gender and HIV/AIDS, the stigma experienced by HIV positive women, and the importance of strategies to reduce stigma and discrimination. (Funded by PAF 4 & 5/UNAIDS).
- UN Women initiated research on the gendered impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in China. The research, funded by DFID, analyses the issues that women living with HIV/AIDS confront and proposes gender-sensitive social assistance policies.
- CGF is funding China’s first comprehensive analysis of people living with HIV/AIDS from a gender perspective in co-operation with Beijing Normal University, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and NGOs. The project seeks to identify ways to improve assistance and delivery of services to women living with HIV/AIDS and their families. It also explored ways to eliminate stigma and discrimination.
- In February 2009 UN Women and UNAIDS supported the Regional Technical Meeting on Responding to the Feminization of AIDS that brought together participants from South and Southeast Asia.
- In October 2008, UN Women supported a three-day “Think Tank meeting held to bring together key members of the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS to look into the emerging needs of women networks.
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