UN Women Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is classified as a lower middle-income country with a gross national per capita income of USD 2,386 in 2021. The country’s population stands at 8.8 million, with 49 percent women. The prevalence of income poverty is at 28 percent, with almost 90 percent of those affected residing in rural areas. Rural women, children and people living with disabilities are the most vulnerable to intersectional and intergenerational poverty, insecurity, and violence.

The Progress towards gender equality in PNG is slow, with the country ranking 160th out of 161 countries on the Gender Inequality Index produced by the UN Development Programme (UNDP). While the 2021 Global Gender Gap Index ranked Papua New Guinea at 135 out of 156 countries. To learn more about UN Women PNG...

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#SANAP WANTAIM on Exposure

SANAP on Exposure

A UN Women's Campaign for Safe Public Spaces Free of Violence Against Women... more


To create a safe Port Moresby for everyone, Join us!

Safe Markets for Women Vendors

Women represent nearly 80 per cent of Port Moresby's market vendors are. For many of them, selling vegetables is their only source of daily subsistence, and yet markets are not a safe place for them...More