Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting
The National Women’s Machinery, known as the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality, has been key in promoting and implementing national planning and budgeting incorporating a gender perspective. The campaign stemmed from a two-day workshop on gender responsive budgeting (GRB), supported by UN Women, encompassing members of civil society and women's organizations to share information and brainstorm ideas for the future of the country. Efforts in coordination of the Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund Joint Programme, comprised of UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and IOM also added to UN Women's involvement as a leader in working with the government to mainstream budgets, policies and programmes. The latest success includes the costing of the National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence through technical support provided to the government with UN Women funds. UN Women is also supporting women’s organizations and NGOs work on transparency in governmental budgets and in business in the private sector. UN Women is also providing technical assistance in advocacy work for governmental budgeting to implement the Law against Domestic Violence, and to monitor the implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence.