Gender Equality in and through Sports

Sport is a powerful tool for social transformation. It has a global reach, influence, and the ability to transcend barriers and ignite positive social change. Sport is an important enabler for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It holds the potential to drive progress in gender equality, human rights, and the eradication of violence. Considering the multi-factor nature of its impact, discussing sports legacy is a way to also emphasize exchanging institutional good practices and experiences, innovative tools, and guidelines to catalyze social changes.

Our vision is to leverage sports for gender equality, human rights and a life free of violence. Our project is dedicated to empowering girls and women while also strengthening institutional accountability. We campaign for gender equality in and through sports because it's a powerful medium to challenge stereotypes, promote inclusivity, and empower women and girls. By advocating for equal opportunities, representation, and safety in sports, we aim to not only enhance the sporting world but also foster broader societal change towards gender equality. Urging and mobilizing actions for gender equality in and through sports is essential for sports organizations, media, and policymakers to break down barriers and foster an inclusive environment. It promotes diversity, enhances team performance, and mirrors societal progress. By offering these stakeholders key resources and knowledge, we enable them to implement effective gender equality policies, create equitable media representation, and advocate for changes in legislation. Our tools empower them to lead by example, ensuring sports become a realm where everyone, irrespective of gender, has equal opportunities to thrive.