In Indonesia, UN Women works with government, civil society organizations, academia, the media, the public and private sectors to address national priorities of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Placing the advancement of women’s rights at the centre of our work, UN Women Indonesia focuses on:
UN Women Indonesia works with a range of stakeholders to increase awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women, while also building the capacity of partners for policy reform to prevent and respond to this violence. We advocate for changing norms and behaviour as a prevention strategy to tackle violence against women.
UN Women Indonesia aims to empower women to contribute to better, safer, and more peaceful communities. We promote localized model based on women’s leadership to promote peace and tolerance, strengthening key actors and youth.
UN Women Indonesia works with a range of stakeholders, including private sectors, to support women economic empowerment by providing access to skill development, resources and enabling environment to increase women’s participation in the economy.
UN Women Indonesia Newsletter Vol. 4
This is the fourth edition of UN Women Indonesia’s newsletter, capturing a series of initiatives from October 2022 to January 2023.
With an increase in Internet use during #COVID19, women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever. In the video, UN Women Indonesia and Indonesian National Commission for Violence against Women share ways you can help if someone you know is experiencing/has experienced this. more