Training of Trainers (ToT) Package on Gender, Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction

Training Manual on Gender and Climate Resilience

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), both those working on climate resilience and disaster risk reduction as well as on women’s rights and gender equality, have a major role to play in mainstreaming gender in climate policies, programmes and projects. Knowledge gaps and limited capacities of these CSOs, however, is a major barrier to achieving the desired levels of gender integration. To enhance the understanding and strengthen skills and capacities of CSOs UN Women has developed a Training Manual on Gender and Climate Resilience. This Training of Trainers (ToT) package has been designed to support trainers for application of the content and tools delineated in the manual. The package includes a) Preparatory Materials like concept note, baseline and needs assessment format and sample agenda to help in the planning of the ToT; b) PowerPoint presentations on topics included on the sample agenda; c) Guidance notes for group exercises; and d) Facilitator references and handouts related to the sessions. Most of the content is available in editable format for users to download and customize as per the local context and target audience. 


Session wise contents

  • Concept note for ToT (Word)
  • Baseline survey format (Word)
  • Sample programme schedule (Word)
  • Technology guide (PowerPoint | PDF)
  • Guiding norms and practical information for the workshop (including online etiquette) (PowerPoint | PDF)
  • Pre/post-test form (Word)
  • Participant instruction sheet for all group exercises (PowerPoint | PDF)
  • Presentation 04: Gender Mainstreaming in project cycle- Frameworks & Tools for Gender Analysis and Assessment (PowerPoint/PDF | Facilitator reference)
  • Group Exercise 02: Break out group discussion on application of Moser and/or Harvard frameworks for gender analysis (Handout (6) | Guidance note)
  • Presentation 05: Gender Responsive Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (PowerPoint/PDF | Facilitator reference)
  • Group Exercise 03: Break out group discussion on application of a.) planning (Causes, Consequences and Solutions Framework) b.) implementation (Case review method) and/or c.) monitoring and evaluation tools (Wheel ranking) (Handout (7)Handout (8)Handout (9) | Guidance note)