Ending Violence Against Women - A Guide to Working with Volunteers


Gender equality is guaranteed in the Cambodian Constitution, which prohibits all forms of discrimination against women (Article 5). However, gender inequality is a widespread, cross-cutting issue in Cambodia and can be found in all development areas including education, health, politics, law, economy, family and social relationships. More than half of the Cambodian population is made up of women, but they do not share half of the wealth and resources1, nor equal position in society.

If white cloth is dropped in the mud, it will be forever stained, soiled, ruined, and can be thrown away. This proverb is a sad reflection of how Cambodian society traditionally views women, and many regard the lower status of women as one of the root causes of inequality and gender-based violence (GBV)...

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Cambodia
Resource type(s): Manuals and tools
Publication year
Number of pages