National Action Plan on Gender Based Violence (NAP-GBV) 2017-2021

The National Action Plan on Gender Based Violence 2017-2021 (NAP-GBV) is the second NAP on GBV and was developed under leadership by the Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economic Promotion of Women serves as a guide for the Government's actions to prevent and respond to gender-based violence over the next five years.
Through the new NAP-GBV, the coordination mechanism between line ministries will be improved in effort to promote gender-based equality at national and municipal level.
The plan adopted lessons learned after a thorough evaluation of the 2012 action plan. The 2017-2021 plan which received technical and financial support from UN Women, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Asia Foundation through Nabilan project, with funding from the Government of Australia and consultations with civil society organizations.
It was launched by the former Prime Minister (Dr. Rui María de Araujo). At the launch, the former Prime Minister encouraged all line ministries, as well as institutions such as the National Police and the National University, to allocate resources for priorities identified in the Plan around promoting zero tolerance to violence and providing social, health and justice services to survivors of violence.
Planu Asaun Nasional ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (PAN-VBJ) 2017-2021
Planu Asaun Nasional ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru 2017-2021 (PAN-VBJ) nuudar Planu Asaun Nasional ba asuntu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru daruak nian no dezenvolve husi lideransa Sekretariu Estadu ba Apoiu no Promosaun Sósiu-Ekonomia Feto, planu ne’e sai sai hanesan matadalan ba asaun Governu nian hodi prevene no responde ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru durante tinan 5 tuir mai.
Liu husi PAN-VBJ, mekanizmu ba koordenasaun entre liña ministerial nian sei hadian hodi bele promove igualdade jéneru iha nível munisipiu no mos nasionál.
Planu ne’e adopta lisaun sira aprende husi evaluasaun ba Planu Asaun tinan 2012 nian. Planu ba tinan 2017 – 2021 nian hetan suporta tékniku no finansiál husi UN Women, UNFPA no Fundasaun Ázia liu husi Projetu Nabilan, ho fundu husi Governu Austrália no liu husi mos konsulta ho organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira.
Planu ne’e lansa husi Primeiru Ministru tempu ne’ebá (Dr. Rui María de Araujo). Durante lansamentu, eis Primeiru enkoraja liña ministeriál hotu, no mos instituisaun sira hanesan PNTL no mos Universidade Nasional, atu aloka rekursu ba iha prioridade sira ne’ebé identifika ona iha Planu Asaun ne’e hodi promove zero toleránsia ba violénsia no fornese mos serbisu sosi’al, saude no justisa ba sobrevivente violénsia nian.