Fund for Gender Equality (FGE) 2017-2018 Annual Report

As in previous years, the report is supported by photos, data, info-graphics and individual stories of impact capturing the diversity, breadth and importance of the 26 active projects managed by the women-led civil society organizations that the FGE supports. It also presents the main findings and recommendations of the first FGE independent evaluation and introduces its fourth grant-making cycle 2018-2019, a scaling and innovation initiative.
You will find information relevant to the current four Asia Pacific programmes being implemented in Samoa, Philippines, South Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka) and Cambodia.
This work would not be possible without the passionate hard work of our grantees as well as the strong monitoring and technical support provided to these grantees by our FGE focal points and to all other colleagues that tirelessly support FGE projects from the Regional and Country Offices; as such we want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to everyone!