The National Police of Timor-Leste Gender Strategy 2018-2012

The National Police of Timor-Leste Gender Strategy 2018-2012

Developed by the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) through a participatory process involving a wide range of stakeholders from within and outside of the PNTL Gender Cabinet, the National Police of Timor-Leste Gender-Strategy (2018-2020) complements the PNTL Strategy to support a professional, trust­worthy and inclusive police force.

The five-year Strategy, approved by the General Commander and launched on 16 August 2018, highlights the multiple challenges that Timorese women face in the police force that requires further attention and cooperation. It is a guiding document that serves as a reference to provide more gender-responsive policies, services and facilities that would positively influence women in the workplace and to make sure they enjoy their rights. The strategy also provides information on how to improve the security institution to enable a more adapted response to the current security situation for women, men, girls and boys in Timor-Leste.It will also help the PNTL in implementing their responsibilities under the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2016-2020) and the National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence (2017 – 2021).

Estratejia Jéneru Policia Nacional Timor-Leste 2018-2022

Dezemvolve husi Policia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liu-husi prosesu partisipatoriu ida involve parte interesada lubun ida husi Gabinete Jéneru PNTL nia laran no husi liur mos Estratejia Jéneru Policia Nacional Timor-Leste (2018-2022) komplementa estratejia PNTL hodi suporta eskuadra policia ida ne’ebé professional, onestu no inklusivu.

Estratejia ba tinan lima ne’e, aprova tiha ona husi Komandante Jeneral no lansa ona iha 16 Agustu 2018, subliña dezafiu barak ne’ebé feto Timor hasoru iha eskuadra policia ne’ebé rekere atensaun no koperasaun klean liu tan. Ne’e hanesan dokumentu guia ida ne’ebé serve hanesan referencia ida hodi oferese liu tan politika prosedimentu ba jéneru sensivel, servisu no fasilidade ne’ebé sei influensia feto pozitivamente iha sira nia servisu fatin no atu asegura katak sira goja sira nia direitu. Estratejia ne’e mos fo informasaun kona ba oinsa atu hadi’a instituisaun seguransa hodi permiti resposta ida ne’ebé adaptadu liu ba situasaun seguransa atual ba feto, mane, labarik feto no labarik mane sira iha Timor-Leste.

Estratejia ne’e mos sei ajuda PNTL ba implementasaun sira nia responsabilidade sira ne’ebé tutela iha Planu Asaun Nasional ba Feto, Paz no Seguransa (2016-2020) no Planu Asaun Nasional ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jéneru (2017-2021).

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Timor-Leste
Resource type(s): Strategic plans
Publication year
Number of pages