Perempuan Bisa Wirausaha (Women Can Do Business)

Perempuan Bisa Wirausaha (Women Can Do Business)

Inspirational Stories from 50 Women Entrepreneurs Participating in WeLearn Project

For women in Indonesia and indeed around the world, starting or running a business is never easy. Limited access to skills development, barriers to securing financial capital to set up or grow their businesses, accessing business networks often dominated by men, are all challenges due to discriminatory and cultural norms.

In Indonesia, UN Women is working to address those challenges by implementing WeLearn project with support from Sunlight, a Unilever’s brand. WeLearn aims to provide equal opportunity for women to access entrepreneurial skills, by equipping women entrepreneurs and aspiring women entrepreneurs with business and digital skills necessary to adapt to the changing world of work and consumer trends.

WeLearn project has managed to engage more than 5.000 women in Indonesia to improve their entrepreneurial skills. Read the stories behind WeLearn project as well as inspirational stories from 50 selected women entrepreneurs who have completed WeLearn training and mentoring. These women proved that by granting equal access and opportunities, #WomenCanDoBusiness (#PerempuanBisaWirausaha).

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Indonesia
Publication year
Number of pages