WA2J Quarterly Brief Issue 2 (2021)

WA2J Quarterly Brief Issue 2 (2021)

This issue of the WA2J Quarterly Brief highlights the project initiatives from April - November 2021 under the joint UN Women, ICJ, and OHCHR project titled "Enhancing Women’s Access to Justice in the Asia Pacific: Bridging the gap between formal and informal systems through women’s empowerment." The aim of the joint project is to make justice accessible for women by strengthening the formal justice system and creating an enabling environment for justice seekers by working with civil society organizations, women human rights defenders, and community-based justice mechanisms as well as initiating regional, national and community dialogues. The project is generously supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Resource type(s): Briefs
Publication year
Number of pages