Multi-country study on women-led MSMEs, with a focus on microenterprises in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Rwanda and Uganda
This multi-country study on women-led MSMEs, with a focus on microenterprises in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Rwanda and Uganda, is a key output of the Together Digital Programme co-launched by UN Women and the Ant Foundation in 2022 to support women-led MSMEs and to empower them to participate and thrive in the digital economy. The multi-country study is intended to inform the design and implementation of programmes, initiatives, and strategies supporting women’s entrepreneurship.
Of particular note is that it provides critical insights for future multi-stakeholder dialogue on emerging issues relating to women’s entrepreneurship and economic and digital empowerment, including as part of the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which, as its 2023 priority theme, will consider “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.