Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Societies in Asia and the Pacific: Experiences in Advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, 9-10 August 2023
Event description
Regional Conference
9-10 August 2023 at 09:00-17:00
Bangkok Thailand local time

The UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action Compact (WPS-HA Compact) jointly organized a regional conference to advance a common understanding of key objectives, approaches, strategies, and partnerships in the development and implementation of National Action Plans for Women, Peace and Security (NAP-WPS) in the context of the Asia-Pacific region, and the recently adopted ASEAN Regional Plan of Action for WPS.
The conference facilitated knowledge exchange between key government and civil society stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region and globally, with contributions from signatories of the WPS-HA Compact, which was launched during the Generation Equality Forum in July 2021. Moreover, the applicability of Priority Actions and the Principles of Transformation outlined in the WPS-HA Compact were explored as useful tools in developing and enhancing NAP-WPS. Discussions and key takeaways from the event are being collated into an Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Guidance on the Development and Implementation of NAP-WPS while laying the foundation for a multi-stakeholder network of WPS champions and WPS-HA Compact signatories in the region.
The conference was organised with the generous support of the governments of Australia and Norway.
WHEN: 9-10 August 2023
SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow @unwomenasia and @WPSHAcompact on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and the hashtag #WPS4AP
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For more information, please contact:
Norul Mohamed Rashid
Regional Policy Advisor, Governance,
Peace and Security, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
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Harriette Williams Bright
Policy Specialist, National and Global Implementation of Women, Peace and
Security, UN Women
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