Call for Proposals: This call for proposals is announced in the framework of the "Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia" (PROTECT) joint regional project funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women, ILO, UNICEF and UNODC.

Submission deadline: 24 December 2024

As part the regional project “Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia” (PROTECT) implemented by UN Women jointly with ILO, UNICEF and UNODC and funded by European Union, UN Women is in the process of identifying one or multiple programme partners (Responsible Parties) to support project activities and ensure that women migrant workers are benefitting from safe migration along with coordinated essential services in the area of violence against women and girls. The focus of this CfP is to support response and prevention of VAWG trough increasing capacities and opportunities of peer networks of women migrant workers to advocate for their rights. Please read the call for proposals for further details.

Contact information

  • Contact person: Napapan Der Kinderen, Programme Analyst, PROTECT-Thailand ( and cc
  • Email: napapan.derkinderen[at]
  • Telephone: +6686 633 2928; +6682 429 5562