She Bounces Back: Stories of COVID-19 resilience and recovery from China’s women

UN Women and the Rockcheck Puji Foundation are committed to upholding women’s rights and their leadership potential in pandemic preparedness, response and recovery. In May 2020 UN Women China, funded by the Rockcheck Puji Foundation, launched Supporting women to recover from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, a project that focused on women entrepreneurs, workers and women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In doing so we have worked with many women to build their resilience to future shocks, promote their leadership, and build on their capabilities.
Under this project, we present the She Bounces Back photobook to celebrate and document the tremendous contribution of China’s women, and reinforce the importance of a more equal future as we emerge from the shadow of COVID-19.
联合国妇女署和荣程普济公益基金会致力于维护妇女的权利并支持她们实现在疫情准备、应对和恢复各阶段的领导潜力。2020年五月,联合国妇女署在荣程普济公益基金会的支持下,启动了 “支持女性从新冠疫情社会经济影响恢复项目” ,项目聚焦女企业家、女性员工及妇女所有中小企业。旨在帮助女性提升面对未来冲击的韧性、领导力及相关技能。