Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Asia and the Pacific Region (2022-2027)


Over the past 20 years, countries in Asia and the Pacific region have made substantial progress in furthering the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda. Twelve countries have developed WPS national action plans, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has developed a regional plan of action. However, critical gaps remain between the ambitions expressed by international commitments and the actual political will and financial support given to WPS efforts. To effectively meet these challenges in the years ahead— and to avoid a backslide in women’s rights and the progress that has been achieved on the WPS agenda—continued efforts and stronger partnerships are needed to ensure that women’s voices, including young women’s voices, are heard and respected and that their leadership is strengthened across all sectors. This brief outlines how the UN Women Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific will support the implementation of the WPS agenda in the region for the years to come.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Subject areas: Peace and security
Resource type(s): Briefs
Publication year
Number of pages
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