Gender Statistics
![Photo: UN Women/Snigdha Zaman](/sites/default/files/Field%20Office%20ESEAsia/Images/2018/12/25623969738_929dad8cb7_k-960px.jpg?h=450&w=675)
Bangladesh is part of the global Flagship Programme Initiative (FPI), Making Every Woman and Girl Count. The programme aims to support the government monitor the implementation of the SDGs in Bangladesh through better production and use of gender statistics. UN Women’s programme, aims to bring about an important shift in how gender statistics are collected, used and promoted to improve the production, accessibility and use of gender statistics in Bangladesh.
The Flagship Programme will help Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics create awareness on gender-related statistics, will develop capacity of the National Statistical system to produce quality, comparable and regular gender statistics, that will address national data gaps and meet policy and reporting commitments under SDGs, CEDAW and Beijing Platform for Action.