Feminization of HIV/AIDS

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In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the main mode of transmission towards sexual transmission in China. In 2011, 63.9% of infections in China were attributed to sexual transmission with 46.5% through heterosexual contact and 17.4% through homosexual contact. Among heterosexual transmissions, an estimated one fourth occurred between spouses. Meanwhile the proportion of women infected with HIV has doubled, increasing from 15.3% in 1998 to 30.5% in 2009. This data highlights the urgent need to address gender equality and HIV.

  • We do know that cultural norms and stigma limit women’s access to information about prevention
  • The balance of power makes it difficult for women to negotiate safe sexual practices with partners
  • Economic dependence and fear of violence disempower women

Highlighting the contributions and perspectives of HIV-positive women, UN Women emphasizes reducing discrimination and employing holistic strategies to clearly link violence against women to the feminization of HIV/AIDS.

We strive to reverse the HIV/AIDS trend among women and girls throughout China, and build the capacity of women’s organisations and networks to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS in a gender responsive manner.

UN Women Action on Gender and HIV/AIDS

  • Delivering training for Women’s Federation staff and women’s civil society organizations in the 6 Global Fund priority provinces on advocacy skills for gender responsive programming and leadership skills to strengthen women’s organizations’ leadership and capacity to address HIV,
  • Supporting the development of a gender strategy for the Global Fund’s China Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and providing gender responsiveness training to CCM members.
  • Working together with  UNAIDS to support the Division of Policy Research and Information under NCAIDS to conduct an operational research in 5 selected priority provinces on the prevention of intimate partner transmission. The final findings and policy recommendations will be disseminated to key policy makers and practitioners in order to integrate gender considerations into national HIV strategies.


Using the Media to Promote Gender Equality