Gendered Face of Climate Change and Environmental Effects

English |中文

Both women and men are affected by climate change and environmental degradation. However, existing inequalities, limited access to resources, restricted rights, and the lack of women’s voices in decision-making increases women’s vulnerability to effects of climate change. Poor women in particular, who are dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods will struggle with the impacts of climate change.

Women are not just victims of climate change. They are powerful agents of change, with unique knowledge and skills. The empowerment of women to plan and implement measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change will make all our efforts more effective.

  • We promote the integration of gender equality perspectives and principles into policies, plans and programmes on sustainable development, climate change and disaster risk reduction.
  • We advocate for the inclusion of women’s participation in decision making on climate change at all levels.
  • We recognise women’s contribution as agents of change in mitigation and adaptation to climate change and seek to document and disseminate these good practices.

    UN Women in Action

    Rural Women and Local Water Resources: Empowering Women as Agents of Change

    UN Women and China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center have partnered to design a project to enhance gender equality and women’s vital role in water management in Qingtongxia county of Ningxia province. The ‘Improving Gender Equality in Qingtongxia through Women’s Empowerment in Water Management’ project has provided training and advocacy activities for government officials in Qingtongxia to help them take measures to improve collective capabilities for women’s participation in local water management. The project has also carried out activities to raise local villagers’ understanding of gender equality and of the important role of women in water management so that women are empowered to play a lead role in managing local water resources. The project built on ongoing technology and infrastructure projects in the province to empower women to effectively and sustainably make use of new water management technology. Creative media such as cartoons and community plays were used to illustrate and create recognition of gender equality issues within rural communities.