Results at a Glance
Women For Peace
On 17 February 2011, Nepal became the first country in South Asia and the second in Asia to adopt a National Action Plan on the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820. The creation of the Plan ensures greater participation for women in peace building and 33 percent reservation for women in local peace committees.
The Plan was a result of nationwide discussions between the Government of Nepal, women survivors, security sector personnel and civil society, and was backed by strong political will. UN Women and other members of the Peace Support Working Group (PSWG) supported the Government of Nepal to make a case for women’s participation in the peace process, strengthen government capacity and give women survivors crucial information.
In Pakistan and Afghanistan, UN Women organized Open Days for Women and Peace where women survivors gave feedback to the UN Secretary General on the 1325 Resolution. Along with the Ministry of Women’s Development of Pakistan, UN Women also works to respond to the needs of women and girls in emergencies.
UN Women in Pakistan provides technical support to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and those in the provinces to ensure that adequate attention is paid to gender and child specific impact of disasters.
The Gender & Child Cell will work towards strengthening research, technical and policy level inputs; build capacity and improve monitoring and evaluation systems.