Stand Up Speak Out Take Action

From its origins in May 2012 to today and beyond, the Global UNiTE Youth Network brings together youth activists from around the world with a mission: to end violence against women and girls.

Ending this disgraceful global scourge is a huge task, but not an impossible one. It means breaking the silence about violence against women and girls through promoting a culture of respect and zero tolerance. It also critically involves partnering with men and boys to build this culture, and help eliminate gender stereotypes.

Mobilizing the leadership and energy of youth is a key strategy to achieving our goals and, if this group is any indication, it promises to yield extraordinary results.

We all have a role to play. A world of gender equality, peace and respect for universal human rights is within our reach but we must work together, young and old, male and female to ensure that the outdated gender stereotypes and discrimination against women that lead to violence are replaced with healthy, respectful values.

Join the movement and let’s all UNiTE to end violence against women and girls!

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Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Resource type(s): Brochures
Publication year
Number of pages