Factsheet Rio+20 and Womens Migration in Asia and the Pacific: Mainstreaming gender concerns in migration to achieve sustainable development

Migration touches on all the priority areas of Rio+ 20 (the UN Conference on Sustainable Development held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.). International migration, especially of women migrant workers is driven by, among other factors: the search for decent jobs (Priority 1); access to resources including energy sources and water (Priorities 2 and 5); the urbanization drive that sees men and women and their families migrate internationally from rural areas in countries of origin to cities in countries of destination (Priority 3); food insecurity and unsustainable agricultural systems (Priority 4); and climate change and environmental degradation (linked to priorities 2, and 5-7).

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Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Resource type(s): Position papers
Publication year
Number of pages