Asia-Pacific Needs Assessment for More Gender-Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Highlights on Impacts from COVID-19 - Survey Findings Infographic (April 2020)

Having been the first region to face the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, markets and businesses in Asia-Pacific are now showing early signs of revival and leading the way towards a new economic reality.
But until more progress is made, the positive developments in closing the gender gap could come under pressure. Despite a growing number of resources made available to develop women’s entrepreneurship, gender inequalities still exist.
In April 2020, UN Women's WeEmpowerAsia programme, funded by the European Union, collaborated with BOP Innovation Center to conduct a regional survey on the impacts of COVID-19 on women entrepreneurs in the region. They were asked questions about their experiences during the crisis response period as well as essential takeaways for a more gender-inclusive recovery. This infographic is a summary of their responses and can be used for designing, implementing and scaling gender-smart toolkits targeted at entrepreneurs and accelerator programmes in both Asia and Europe.