Women, Peace and Security: Story of Change and Progress from the Implementation of NAP 1325

Along with the Timor-Leste government’s effort in advancing the agenda of NAP 1325 in UNSCR on Women, Peace and Security, there has been an escalation on the number of women’s participation in the decision making and peace building role started from the community, up to the institutional level. One of the changes from the 4 years of implementation since las year is Ministry of Interior has community mediator with 49% representations is women. In Timor-Leste, the success implementation has been actively led by the Ministry of Interior. Read the story of change here.
FETO, PÁS NO SEGURANSA: Istoria Xave Ba Mudansa No Progresu Husi Implementasaun PAN 1325
Ho governu Timor-Leste nia esforsu sira ba avansa ajenda PAN 1325 iha RKSNU ba Feto, Pas no Seguransa, númeru partisipasaun feto hala’o papel, iha nivel foti desizaun no harí pas aumenta ona komesa husi komunidade to’o iha nivel institusional. Mudansa ida husi implementasaun tinan 4 nia laran mak hahu husi tinan kotuk Ministerio Interior iha ona mediador komunidade ho feto reprezenta 49%. Iha Timor-Leste, susesu ba implementasaun ne’e, ativamente lidera husi Ministerio Interior. Lee istoria ba mudansa iha ne’e.