WEPs Transparency and Accountability Framework: Creating Transparency on Gender Equality to Transform Business

Businesses have a critical role in enacting policies that support women’s economic empowerment and ensuring these efforts are measured, reported and aligned to areas that have the greatest impact.
The WEPs Transparency and Accountability Framework presented in this document aims to provide companies with a holistic set of indicators that are most likely to advance gender equality across corporate value chains aligned with existing corporate gender equality frameworks. UN Women believes that by using the WEPs Transparency and Accountability Framework as a tool for transparent reporting, companies, with support from government and other stakeholders, can more effectively work towards a gender equal economy that works for all women and men. The framework was developed by UN Women with the support of BSR and with the financial support from the European Union through the WE EMPOWER-G7, WeEmpower Asia and Win-Win Programmes as well as amfori.