Remote Service Provision for Women Migrant Workers at Risk or Subject to Violence

This brief provides guidance on the provision of remote services to women migrant workers who are at risk of, or subjected to violence. The brief is based on international principles and standards of service provision for women survivors of violence, together with emerging practice and knowledge on how these can be delivered remotely. The brief complements the 16 Essentials for Quality Multisectoral Service Provision to Women Migrant Workers Subject to Violence. It is intended to provide broad-based guidance that is applicable across countries and contexts with the understanding that adaptation will be required in the implementation to meet the diverse needs of women migrant worker populations in the specific contexts that they are living and working in. Recommendations in this brief also depend on the government’s investment in gender-responsive services for women migrant workers to ensure there is adequate staffing and resources to attend to their needs within the host country and upon repatriation.
This Technical Brief was developed as part of the Safe and Fair Programme: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region (2018–2022). Safe and Fair is part of the multi-year EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls, funded by the European Union, and is implemented by ILO and UN Women in collaboration with UNODC. It delivers technical assistance and support with the overall objective of making labour migration safe and fair for all women in the ASEAN region.