Solomon Islands Domestic Violence Counselling Guidelines

The Solomon Islands Domestic Violence Counselling Guidelines have been developed in accordance with Sections 54 and 55 of the Family Protection Act (FPA) 2014.
The FPA requires the Government of Solomon Islands to set up a register for domestic violence counsellors (DVCs), call for and approve applications from qualified DVCs, and deregister DVCs for misconduct.
The Guidelines outline the structure of the Domestic Violence Counselling Register and explain its purpose. They contain information on the governance of the register, how to become a registered DVC, how to apply and stay registered, and details of the process for dealing with complaints. The Guidelines are, in essence, a tool, developed specifically for the Government of Solomon Islands; provincial governments; the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs; SAFENET ; domestic violence counselling-providing organisations; and DVCs, interested in registering.
The Guidelines are national in scope, with governance structures, and application and monitoring processes in all nine provinces and in the national capital, Honiara. They will be reviewed every three years at the same time as the review of the FPA.