An ABC of a successful labor migration journey


The Philippines' long-term national vision enshrines its citizens' shared aspiration for a strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure life ("matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay"). This vision informs the ongoing drafting of the Philippine Development Plan 2022-2028. The previous Plan broke ground by including a chapter on Labor Migration, recognizing migrant workers' contribution to the country's development and demonstrating the Philippines' leadership in labor migration governance.

As the new Plan comes together, UN Women and its #BRIDGEProgramme partners, with support from the #MigrationFund, drew on the Global Compact for Migration and other international instruments to imagine what programs and services the Plan might include to benefit Filipino migrant workers and their families.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Infographics
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Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies: Agencies/entities