Afghanistan Inter-agency Rapid Gender Analysis

Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group, Afghanistan

The complex and protracted humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan affects persons of all genders, at-risk and marginalized groups differently. Women and girls are disproportionately affected because of gender-specific restrictions that directly impact their ability to realize their rights. Traditional gender norms and patriarchal cultures have long reinforced discrimination against women and girls in Afghanistan, increasing their vulnerability and decreasing their capacity to recover from shocks, leaving them disproportionately affected during crises. In rural areas, women also face compounded layers of challenges, due to entrenched gender norms and the unavailability of services. Based on the CARE International Rapid Gender Analysis methodology, the Interagency Rapid Gender Analysis (IRGA) for Afghanistan's humanitarian response aims to better understand the gendered impact of the current humanitarian crisis.


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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies: Agencies/entities