Women’s Leadership in Public and Political Life Brief for 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories

In 2021, Ridgeway information Ltd. was engaged by UN Women under the Coordination Unit to lead the research and design of a series of Gender Equality Briefs for the Pacific.
The Women’s Leadership in Public and Political Life Brief for 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories provides the background and current status of women’s leadership and participation in public life in the region. The brief highlights their representation at national, provincial and local levels and in other sectors, as well as barriers women face regarding equal participation.
The Women’s Leadership in Public and Political Life Brief for 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories was developed in addition to the one regional and 14 country gender equality briefs. The purpose of the briefs is to have easily accessible resources that encompass the key gender equality issues and commitments in each country and in the region, that include the most updated gender data and statistics available, and that are fully referenced to be used to inform a variety of audiences and to increase gender mainstreaming in key document development.